
History of Christmas Carols and a Few Classics

Christmas carols go way back to the 13th century when Francis of Assisi, a Catholic friar, would write down hymns that would later be turned into carols.

As centuries passed by, different forms of dancing were added to the carols. People from town would get together and go house to house singing and dancing Christmas carols.

Carols were also sung in celebration of religious services and have continued to be a vital part of worship days at church. During the Christmas season, the carols have a deeper meaning as we prepare for the birth of Jesus.

Being practicing Catholics my family prepares for the birthday of Jesus every year. One of the carols we wait patiently to hear through the Christmas season is “Mary, Did You Know”. It speaks of some of the testaments that Jesus granted. In my home, he is the reason for our season and we praise him even more during advent time.

As different symbols started to be recognized during Christmas the image of Santa Claus made its way into the season back in 1863. There was a Christian Bishop named Saint Nicholas who was a saint of children hence the nickname “Old Saint Nick”. “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” is a fun and festive carol that gets my siblings and me excited for the yearly visit from Santa and what gifts he may bring. 

Also, the Christmas season allows us to share all the blessings bestowed upon us throughout the year. Sharing the love of faith, gifts, and well wishes with those around us. “Feliz Navidad” is a traditional carol that wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and happiness to all. This song is a must to include in my caroling playlist.

In conclusion, thousands of carols can be heard and played throughout the season and I am certain everyone has their favorites for different reasons. So, turn up the volume and enjoy this Christmas.

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