
Scholarship Application Closing

If you’re a senior taking AP Government or Econ, a college and career center or other counselor has likely come to your social science or history class to remind you about the scholarships available for CKM students, many of which have upcoming due dates. If you missed your counselor’s speech about student opportunities, here is a brief reminder!

First and foremost, make sure you submit your FAFSA, as its deadline has been extended several times due to delays, giving those who have been struggling with the new application a greater grace period to troubleshoot. Counselors should’ve also made a trip to your classroom over the last few months to talk about financial aid, where they would’ve guided you through the FAFSA application process; however, if you somehow missed one of these support days, use your school account to sign into, where they will have a step-by-step guide to help you through the application.

There is a Weebly website for the CKM career center which has links to several portals for scholarship applications, but many of which are due this week, April 17th at the latest, so get your application in as soon as you can. The majority of the CKM exclusive scholarships are due by April 12th, so if you haven’t already asked for a letter of recommendation from a teacher or extracurricular leader, you may be in trouble.

There are also a handful of scholarships for certain cultural groups available, like the MLK and initial catholic scholarships, which are both still open to applications (as of when this is published). Some of the scholarships are based on experience and may require an essay or personal statement, so be prepared to get personal on the application for some of the grants.

Only a handful of CKM and Sacramento Area grants are still available, so if you have already missed the window for some of the larger grants, there are also several other scholarship websites listed on the career center’s page. Scroll down to the bottom to find about a dozen 3rd party pages that host many different scholarships from around the country, for all kinds of highly specific majors and backgrounds. Be sure to sift through as many as you can, for you may find one perfectly tailored to you. Don’t miss out on opportunities for free money!

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