Entertainment Opinion

CKM 2023 Homecoming Rally

Monday, October 16th, was the first rally of the 2023-24 school year. It was fun, with many different performances and activities for all the different grades to participate in. It was also an opportunity for our sports teams and clubs to showcase their talents.

They introduced our varsity football team. Yes, they are starting off the year with a stroke of bad luck. But it was fun, they were all hyped and looked forward to turning the season around. They should have introduced the junior varsity team because they put in hard work for themselves, the team, and the school. They deserve the recognition. After that, they brought out volleyball, cross country, golf, and water polo. 

Performance-wise everything was amazing and well coordinated. First up was the step team. The routines were great and got everybody in the spirit. The dance team then performed and ate it up. It was coordinated and overall the choreography and music were on point. Last but not least was cheer. They were pulling moves you only see in movies. Like splits in the air and pyramids.

Faculty members dressed up in costumes, like Mr. Garibay who went as Ariel and ¨swam¨ out onto the court. Teachers even performed a dance for us dressed like Barbie or Ken. It was fun and everybody remembered their parts. When they finished up everybody cheered for their favorite teacher. The teachers looked like they enjoyed themselves as well.

ASB started the activities after all the performances were over. They asked for 3 people from every grade to come up to participate in the first of the games. The first game was played by spinning around a baseball bat, running to the line and back, and so on. 

The seniors won that one but it was a close battle for every round. Next was tug-of-war. One side was football and cross country, the other was volleyball and water polo. Everybody thought football was going to win but surprisingly the other side won. Either way, it was entertaining to watch. 

All in all the rally was really fun. Everybody did their parts greatly and it all came into a fun show/performance for all of us to enjoy together. For the first one of this school year, it easily beats every rally from last year and previous ones. It was nice that there was no competition between classes as everybody was wearing pink. We participated in chants together and swayed as a big happy family.

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