
Q&A with ASB President 2024 Zach Gee

Q: So Zach, tell me a little bit about yourself?

A: My name is Zach, I’m a Junior. I am on the tennis team and I have been in ASB for two years. I enjoy traveling, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. 

Q: What made you want to run for ASB president? 

A: I saw a lot of potential in this school, for it to be even better than it already is. As a student here, I just wanted to do everything within my power to maximize the experience for everybody. I’m glad that I have been given the chance. 

Q: What are your plans for the upcoming year? 

A: In my campaign speech I made three points, one was that I want to beautify the campus. I want more murals and more plants. I also want to give our clubs more opportunities to engage with the community. The big thing addressed was the functional issues at our school like the bathrooms. My list is set to change and obviously I’ll have more goals in the future, but that’s for now. 

Q: How will you make CKM a better school?

A: I think what makes the school experience really fun is the spirit. So I am definitely going to make it a goal to try to encourage bigger crowds at our sports games, at our dances, and all sorts of spirit events. I hope to beautify the campus, both in terms of its aesthetics and also how it functions. I think that will make a difference for a lot of students here including myself. And I think by promoting inclusivity, that’s a big one. I feel like all of the programs that we have here kind of separate us into our own individual bubbles and we have our classes with the same people for all four years and so we don’t have a lot of opportunities to reach out to other people and make friends outside our programs. That has definitely had an effect on how united we are and I want to have more opportunities for students to get together and collaborate. 

Q: At the debate you mentioned that you wanted to improve the school bathrooms, how do you plan on doing this? 

A: So, Eagen and I talked about it very briefly between rallies and it’s obviously going to be a complicated process because typically ASB doesn’t work on those kinds of issues here, but I’m just going to start by talking to Mrs. Eagen and seeing how the process works. And like I said, I am more than willing to take it up to the administration and reach out to district officials, because I know that they do have that authority. 

Q: How do you plan on getting students more involved in school activities/events?

A: Well, I think that the biggest thing there is using social media, and student outreach in general. Just making everyone aware of what events are coming up, and it’s pretty important if you want to bring in a big crowd. I would say right now we are actually doing pretty well with our spirit events. For example, I went to the basketball game a few weeks ago, it was Kennedy vs McClatchy, and the whole gym was filled, so I think we are doing a really good job right now with spirit. I want to keep that up and keep encouraging those crowds. 

Q: How do you plan on making ASB more inclusive? 

A: So from what I know, ASB is at its limit right now, there is a full classroom and so not everybody gets to be part of the class which is unfortunate so I’m definitely going to try to provide more opportunities for students to have a say, whether it be a simple google form where they can provide their insight and give their opinions. But also that starts with ASB asking for their help. It’s not up to me who joins our class, that’s more the advisers, so what I can do is provide more opportunities for students to give their input outside of the class. 

Q: Is there anything that you want to mention that we haven’t talked about yet? 

A: I am super excited to fulfill this role, but obviously I am very nervous. You know, while I have been president of my class twice, it is a much different role when you are the president of the entire student body. And so I hope that everybody just understands that I’ll make mistakes and this is my first time, but I will do my best.

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