Columns Hispamix

An Insight to the Afro-Latinos Experience

Jamarie Crawford, CKM Junior

Afro-Latinos are the luckiest people, but also the most misunderstood and unheard of because they possess a unique identity. An Afro-Latino is an individual from Latin America or of Latin American descent who is also of African ancestry. 

There are different types, like Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Mexican, Afro-Cuban and more. Another common term is “Blaxican” which is used to represent someone with a combination of Black and Mexican culture. There are over 35 million Afro-Latinos across Latin America and about 6 million Americans who identify as Afro-Latino.  

To be connected and a part of two amazing cultures is awesome. I’m proud to be Mexican and proud to be black. I am thrilled to experience amazing food, music, and art from both sides; it is something indescribable. 

My mom, before her tragic passing, was big on black culture and taught me the importance of being black. Like how to be comfortable in my own skin and to be proud. 

Although, it can be tough being Afro-Latino, for being too much or too less of something. Because I am very connected with my Mexican side and I am so a part of the Mexican culture, this has resulted in things being said. I’ve been told that I’m not really black, or not at all, because I am also Mexican. I say I can be and am both.

What Afro-Latinos go through that need to be discussed more. Feeling the pressure from one or both sides to be just one or the other, can be stressful at times. Some may choose to be just one or the other, but to solely identify as one or the other is to disregard a part of who you are. 

Quiero decirles a las personas quienes me dijeron ‘no puedes ser un negro, si eres un mexicano también’, pero hoy voy a decirles que soy una persona muy feliz y contento con quien soy. Estoy orgulloso de ser un mexicano y feliz de ser parte de una cultura muy linda. Sin ninguna duda tengo lo mejor de dos mundos, porque ser un negro y un mexicano es muy cojonudo y lindo. Si eres un Afro-Latino como yo, entonces siempre deberíamos estar orgullosos de ser Afro-Latino. Hoy, mañana y para siempre, recuerda eso.

I am proud to be who I am and if you’re an Afro-Latino, you should be too.

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