
Fatal shooting at East Sac light rail station

Just after 3:00 pm on March 21, 2024, a shooting at the University and 65th SacRT light rail station took place, leaving one dead and two injured. The shooters fled from the scene and the victims were taken to a hospital.

The two suspects are unknown at this time and police continue their investigation. Witnesses state that the shooters seemed to be adult African American males in hoodies and jeans. The two men are thought to have stolen a car from the gym parking lot across the street from the station.

Police say that the car was left down the street from the crime scene on University Avenue. At this time we only know the status of one of the victims, a woman, who is in stable condition.

The police believe that the men could still be armed and dangerous and that people in the area stay aware and safe.

If you or a friend were witnesses to this shooting and need help processing it, please seek help at the student support center or speak with a counselor. This was a traumatic event for all involved.

Until the suspects are found, stay safe and try to be with another person at all times when in that area.

Book Reviews Entertainment Opinion

Review of Tender is the Flesh by Augustine Bazterrica

*Proceed with caution: this article contains spoilers and disturbing imagery*

I am an avid reader, so in the average year I read between 15-20 books. One book that has stuck with me recently is Tender is the Flesh. I think there is a lot to love about this book.

Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica takes place in a dystopian society where all animal life has contracted a virus that is deadly to humans. Now that humans can no longer eat animals, the government permits the breeding and slaughtering of humans for consumption.

The differences between the “special meat”, as they call them, and other humans are vast. The special meat is genetically engineered so that they age faster. They have their vocal cords removed after birth. They are raised in small cages, much like our real-life cattle. And they generally don’t have the same amount of consciousness as other humans, mentally they are about as intelligent as infants.

The story follows Marcos, a manager at a meat processing plant who experiences firsthand the barbaric reality of what slaughtering humans like cattle entails.

Marcos lives alone as he and his wife haven’t been on speaking terms since their infant son passed. So when a breeder for his plant sends him a human girl to raise and eventually kill, the same idea as raising chickens to eat. Rather than seeing the girl as food he sees her as company. He names her Jasmine.

There are multiple points in the story where we are exposed to just how gruesome this process is. When showing some new applicants around the processing plant, Marcos explains in great detail how the meat is killed and dissected. Later on, we see him observing a breeding farm where he sees just how the meat is bred and separated by quality.

Eventually, Marcos loses all grip and starts treating Jasmine like his wife, a difficult task when this very thing is known to be illegal.

I appreciate the realistic aspects of the story. It takes the slaughterhouse and the meat industry to an appalling level of gore, but this is important because in reality. It illustrates the same fate that billions of real-life animals face every year. This is comparable  to the way George Orwell’s Animal Farm depicts communism. 

The book puts these inhumane practices into a new light that makes us want to look away, causing us to feel sick to our stomachs. This is an incredibly important topic to make commentary on as the meat industry has used horrible practices and conditions for raising animals for decades.

Tender is the Flesh also touches on how capitalism will always favor profit over welfare. Where there is money to be made, they will make it, regardless of the trade off. Which in this book gets as absurd as eating another human being.

What I don’t exactly appreciate about this book is that toward the end, the relationship between Marcos and Jasmine becomes so inappropriate that I have a hard time rationalizing it.

The story skews away from a horrific commentary on capitalism to an upsetting “love” story between the two. While the point of the book is to say that we wouldn’t treat other humans the way we do to animals in the industry, Marcos begins to treat Jasmine in an inhumane way. In a gross sexual manner that doesn’t feel right for his character.

The ending of this story for Jasmine feels like all the progress Marcos makes in understanding the absurdity of this lifestyle has been thrown out the window.

My favorite part of Tender is the Flesh is the visceral detail that Bazterrica goes into. This book invokes incredible feelings for the reader, ranging from sympathy to utter disgust.

Some of the details the author included made me feel genuinely revolted, but for this story, I think it’s important that they do so. Bazterrica is not painting an abstract picture of the horror that is a slaughterhouse, leaving it up to you to decide how that makes you feel. She wants to make you feel a very specific way, because it isn’t abstract; that’s simply what it’s like in that environment.


High Schooler’s Guide to Dealing with Stress

High school is easily one of the most stressful times in a person’s life; between the workload, tests, and maintaining a social life, it can get overwhelming.

This is the first time in your life that you’re expected to act like an adult and are treated as such. It’s hard to expect anyone to go through these types of life changes and not struggle, almost every student does at some point. Especially when your entire future could potentially ride on these few years you’re here. So, here are a few tips and tricks on how to cope with stress in high school.

The first thing you can do is find an escape. This can be anything, but it’s important that it’s something you can  focus on solely. Some people work out, watch a TV show or movie, cook, play video games, etc. My personal favorite is reading. When you’re reading a book, you have to focus on the words and imagine the scene happening on the page. But what’s important is that this time is spent not thinking about school or homework or anything that is causing you stress. Though it is a balancing act, you need to remember that you can’t use escapism as a way to procrastinate. That only makes it worse. A way to prevent that mindset from setting in is to make specific times in your day times to escape.

Speaking of setting times, another great way to take some weight off your shoulders is to make a routine. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, from there you can plan out your day from when you’ll do your schoolwork to when you’ll have free time. Having six hours of your day already planned out because of school makes that easier. But don’t be too hard on yourself, remember that this is supposed to help you. If you feel like you need more time to do something, allow yourself the time you need. Routines are trial and error, and sometimes you’ll need to adjust to fit your lifestyle. Don’t compare yours to anyone else’s.

Keep up on your school work as best you can. I know that it’s annoying to hear this constantly, but it really is a great way to avoid the stress of time limits. Having your homework done before the due date just generally feels great; it’s one less thing to worry about. Try using a planner or setting reminders on your calendar of when your assignments are due. There is also a calendar tab on Google Classroom that tells you when the assignments posted are due and shows when one has been marked as missing. Keeping up with work is important but mental health comes first, so if you do fall behind make sure not to beat yourself up about it.

It can be hard to confide in adults about the struggle of being a student, it’s been a while since they themselves were in high school after all. So the people that are the most likely to relate to your struggles are your friends. I can guarantee that your friends are experiencing the same issues with school that you are. It can make a world’s difference knowing that you’re not alone in the feeling of being overwhelmed. Sometimes all you need is to vent with someone that understands.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is at a different comprehension level so there’s no point in thinking that you’re not as smart as someone else just because they understand one subject more than you. Some people are good at math and some are good at English, it’s hardly reasonable to think that everyone will be good in every subject.

FOMO stands for the “fear of missing out”, meaning that you are afraid that you’re being left out of activities. It’s expected of teenagers to have a booming social life but sometimes you just want to curl up in bed after a long day and take a nap. Don’t feel pressured to go out with friends or to parties if you’re not feeling up to it. It’s perfectly fine to want to spend time alone focusing on yourself; healthy even. It doesn’t mean you’re selfish or that you’re flakey. And don’t worry, there will always be more opportunities to go out and socialize.

Your education is just that, yours. If you don’t like a class or need to adjust your schedule, do your best to find a solution. It’ll take effort on your part but trust me, in the long run it’ll make your educational experience a lot easier. Talk to your teachers and counselor about your classes and explain why they aren’t working for you. All it takes is an email.

Take mental health days. There are some days when you just can’t make yourself get out of bed. On those days, don’t feel guilty about taking the day off to take care of yourself. When you’re in that mental state it’s hard to be productive, and being in a school environment may only make it worse. It’ll make coming back to school the next day much easier and more productive.

It’s incredible that mental health is being talked about more in schools and in society as a whole. There is no need for a stigma to surround it when everyone deals with it. As a student that has dealt with anxiety my entire school career, I know as well as anyone how important it is to make high school as stress-free as possible. There are an infinite number of ways to cope, and everyone does so differently. These are just basic tips for those teenagers who are struggling.


CKM Word Game


Tennessee’s Anti-Transgender and Anti-Drag Laws

In the last two months, transgender and queer rights have been under attack by the republican government in Tennessee. After banning gender-affirming care for minors and putting restrictions on drag shows, people in the queer community are both concerned and outraged.

On March 2, 2023, Governor Lee signed a bill that bans gender-affirming medical care for minors, beginning in July. In addition, on March 2, Tennessee announced that they will begin heavily regulating drag performances that take place in public spaces where children may see. 

The LGBTQ+ community is devastated after finding out that Tennessee is trying to ban all gender-affirming treatment for people under 18. This includes surgeries, hormones, and even hormone blockers. Hormone blockers allow transgender youth to prevent or postpone any changes that occur in the body during puberty, letting them explore their identity and possibly get on the hormones they want.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 82% of transgender youth have considered ending their lives and 40% have attempted suicide. The leading cause for this affliction among the community is the general stigma around the idea of transitioning.

Gender dysphoria is a term defined by the National Health Service as “a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.” The treatments being banned in Tennessee are what help transgender people alleviate their dysphoria and make them feel comfortable in their own skin. When you restrict struggling transgender youths’ use of these treatments, like hormones and hormone blockers, you’re making it harder for them to transition in the future.

Many say that the state is out of line and that this ban is unconstitutional, arguing that parents should make medical decisions for their children, not the government. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a mother of a gender-nonconforming child, said in a speech given at the house of Representatives: “My child is free to be who they are. And in that freedom comes a responsibility for us as legislators to protect that freedom to be who they are.”

Though many argue that the state is only enforcing these restrictions to protect kids from making changes to their bodies that they can’t reverse, an overwhelming majority of those saying these things are doing so because of prejudice. For example, political commentator, Michael Knowles, said during the Conservative Political Action Conference, “Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely, the whole preposterous ideology.”

Another threat the LGBTQ+ community is facing at the moment is the regulation of drag in Tennessee. Drag is a form of performing art that commonly involves exaggerated displays of femininity and sometimes masculinity. Performers, often called either drag queens or drag kings, wear flamboyant makeup and clothes and often pair it with either dancing, singing, or comedy sets.

The art form will be banned from taking place on public property because of the possibility that a child might see. Specifically, the bill states that it will not allow “cabaret” performances to be put on in public near schools, parks, or churches. If violated, the performers may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. The state says that children should not be exposed to adult entertainment, insinuating that all drag is inherently sexual.

Again, many argue that this is unconstitutional and goes against the first amendment as it infringes on free speech.

Famous drag queen, RuPaul Andre Charles, spoke out against the bill in an Instagram post wherein he states, “Drag queens are the marines of the queer movement.” And this is true. For example, During the stonewall riots of 1969, a famous drag queen who went by Marsha P. Johnson (born Malcolm Michaels Jr.) rose up as one of the leading activists of the queer movement and one of the first drag performers to have a public platform.

When asked how these bills will affect the LGBTQ+ community, Mx. Herold, a teacher here at McClatchy said, “I think this is a threat to the safety of the LGBTQ+ community. One of the things that worries me is fighting within the community.”

In response to what the queer community can do to push back, they said, “A lot of what we can do is protest. I’m afraid that this country will respond with violence. It’s terrible for people in those states because they shouldn’t have to leave their homes, but they’re being driven out.”

The LGBTQ+ community has forever been demonized by the uneducated, the conservatives, the republicans, Christians, etc. But it’s come a step too far with these bills that are being passed that explicitly infringe on their rights, whether it be to health care or to free speech. 


Security and Safety Issues at CKM

The security and safety of students should be McClatchy’s number one priority, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like that’s always the case. CKM has gotten itself into many situations in the past that the student body feels could have been handled better.

Today, we live in a very dangerous world, and as we get older we realize that there are many people looking to hurt us. In the last 10 years, the recorded cases of gun violence in schools have effectively doubled. 

That’s not the only issue. Previously, sexual assault in schools went largely unnoticed. Since 2017, when the #MeToo movement went viral on Twitter, schools haven’t been able to overlook harassment among their students like they used to. But even knowing all of this, McClatchy’s track record with handling these issues still isn’t totally in the clear.

Sexual harassment has been a recurring issue in CKM’s past, one of the most notorious instances being in 2016. A former McClatchy student came forward about her experience where she had been drugged and gang-raped at a party by her fellow classmates. When she approached the school about what had happened, rather than reporting it to the police, they suspended her for the duration of the semester and allowed her rapists to go on unpunished. 

Similarly, in January of 2022, a walk-out was organized by students to protest CKM’s lack of awareness of the harassment taking place at their school. This was inspired by an Instagram account called “CKM Confessions” that shared anonymous statements from McClatchy students. 

The Instagram account was later taken down by the school and the student behind it was suspended. After many posts mentioned cases of sexual harassment, students wanted to take action via a walk-out, which didn’t end up happening. The walkout was postponed after students held a meeting with Principal Egan wherein she promised to make teachers more aware of students that may be afflicted among other things. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like any obvious changes have been made.

The walkout was rescheduled for December 12, 2021, but came to a halt after CKM received a shooting threat.  “I feel like this school doesn’t take into account security.” commented 12th grader Nataly Barreto.

According to EducationWeek, there have been 151 school shootings since 2018, 7 of which occurred just this year. As previously mentioned, in December of 2021, CKM faced a shooting threat of our own. An Instagram post was made by, presumably, a student, claiming they would bring a gun to school the next day. Students and families were only made aware of the threat during second period when the school went on a “soft lockdown”. 

Students and their parents were reasonably scared and many were picked up from school early because of this. Being a student in America where gun use is largely unrestricted means that you’re constantly considering the possibility that your school might be next.

Students were reminded of last year’s incident when just a few weeks ago on Feb. 15, another threat against CKM and the district was made on social media. The email informing families was ambiguous when explaining the threat, leaving many worried about their safety. 

The email sent out by Principal Egan states, “Overnight I was contacted by the Sacramento Police Department about a post on Facebook which indicated threats to ‘Sacramento schools’ and C.K. McClatchy High School. The Facebook account is nondescript and police are investigating the post at this time. School will remain open as this post is thoroughly investigated.” 

That day at school, there seemed to be minimal security considering how severe something like that could become. This left a weird taste in students’ mouths. “What are we gonna do to protect all of the kids here today? McClatchy is a big school and anyone who already goes to our school can get in undetected. How can I help if one of my peers is hurt?” says 10th grader, Sophia Montoya. 

The Facebook post was deemed not credible in a follow-up email later that day, the same as the Instagram post that had threatened to bring a gun to school in 2021. The email does not specify what “not credible” means or what brought them to that conclusion.

These only cover the major incidents, there are many more. The administration at McClatchy has made many promises about how they’ll change our school for the better, but it’s difficult to tell if there really has been any change. It’s unreasonable to expect everything to be made perfect, but at the very least, we should be able to feel safe at school.

News Sports

CKM Women’s Volleyball Update

As far as McClatchy’s girls’ volleyball team goes, they have a 65% overall win ratio and are sitting at 2nd in the league. Their last game was on October 10th, 2022. The game occurred at CK McClatchy; the Lions lost 0-3 to the Oak Ridge Trojans. The kill ratio was between Comfort of the Lions and Weaver of the Trojans with a 15-370. For blocks, it was between Williams of the Lions and Anderson of the Trojans at a 2-56. And serving was between Abdul-Rahman of the Lions and Fagundes of the Trojans. The overall kill ratio stood at 54-1235.


America’s history of problematic Halloween costumes

Halloween has been around for around 2,000 years. As you can imagine, the holiday has changed quite a bit since its early pagan beginnings. It originates in Europe as a festival called Samhain which celebrates the end of a harvest. Historians can track the tradition of wearing a costume on Halloween to 1585 in Scotland, which has since been sustained with activities like trick-or-treating and costume stores. Usually, these costumes depicted spirits and creatures from Celtic folklore. Now the usual costumes you’ll see are vampires, witches, ghosts, etc.

Unfortunately, there have been times when it was not uncommon to see costumes depicting racial and religious stereotypes.

One of the most common of these costumes is the Native American. There are many reasons why it is not ok to dress up as a Native. The history of murder and takeover of the Native Americans and their land for example, When the British came to America the Natives were not treated nicely, unlike what A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving might suggest. They were massacred and stripped of their land, and the ones that lived were put on reservations where they had to give up their spirituality and native languages. Children were placed in schools where they were forced to learn English and learn the Christian way, and many of them died from illness. So for non-Native Americans to be dressing up as their chiefs and dawning symbols that they don’t know the meaning of, you can imagine how upsetting it is.

Another example is blackface. Blackface was a practice in the early 20th century with “minstrel shows” where white men and women would rub burnt cork on their face in order to turn it black, they would then put on rugged clothes in order to make fun of African Americans. These shows depicted black Americans as being illiterate and stupid. Considering the history of blackface and the treatment of black Americans in general, these costumes are unacceptable.

Then there are non-racial costumes that are still incredibly insensitive yet very common. The homeless person, or “hobo”. People will make themselves look dirty and disheveled, as well as covering their faces in soot and carrying a bindle. To mock someone for being in a position that they never asked for is always horrible, especially when there are an estimated 116,600 people, just in California, being affected by the homelessness crisis. Many of these people lost their jobs or had jobs that didn’t pay the bills. Some suffer from mental illness or addiction and had no one to help them. A lot of teenagers are kicked out of their homes for being part of the LGBTQ+ community or for not holding the same religious standing as their families. There are hundreds of reasons why someone might be without a home, and to mock them and think of them as a disease is inhumane.

These are only a few examples of insensitive costumes that have been worn by Americans, there are so many more. America has a history of not recognizing other cultures and lifestyles as valid, and this only proves that. It seems to have gotten better these last few years but there are still things that as a society we can do better. And recognizing other cultures as something to respect and not mock is a good starting point.