
We need more oversight on sensitive school projects

In my opinion the teacher in charge of this science fair project should have had each student go up to practice their project in front of the teacher before letting parents and students look at it during the science fair.


The project probably would’ve been a little better if the student had worded things very different — it shouldn’t have said that the average IQ of blacks, southeast Asian, and hispanics are lower than the average IQ of non-hispanic whites and northeast asians. I don’t know why they would say something like that without expecting major backlash.  For this student to do their research and find out that there’s 508 students enrolled in the HISP academy and to do more research to find out there’s 12 african americans, 80 hispanics and 104 asians, they should have thought the parents and the students were going to get offended. Even if they didn’t have to deal with other parents and students not in the academy, the others that are in the academy would get offended because this student is talking about their race.


The student should have put resources and things in his project to make sure people don’t think this student is making this up, because for this student to say white’s test scores are higher than any other race is like saying the other races aren’t smart or saying the other races don’t study and for those who do study will get mad and get offended because everyone is different. I personally don’t like what this student said because I am black and my test scores are not bad and for them to say that made me feel like wherever they got their information from is not true at all.


To be completely honest the student should have asked one person from each race if they would be mad or offended by what’s getting put on the board. For this to be this big of a problem means a lot of parents and students were mad about what this student put on his project. If it got removed by Wednesday that means during the project and even after parents and students complained and had it taken down. Black Student Union arrived Thursday after the project had been taken down but Black Student Union was still able to view it.


I like that Principal Lambert took this very serious and called everyone’s parents saying to take this incident very serious, he also met with all his staff to further discuss the project.  

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